Many Parents of Bedwetters Were Bedwetters -The Genetic Link

It has been well documented that there is a greater incidence of primary nocturnal enuresis(bedwetting) in children whose parents were enuretic when compared to families with no parental history(17,18). In fact, heredity as a causative factor of primary nocturnal enuresis has been confirmed by the identification of a gene marker. Studies suggest the existence of a dominant gene located on chromosome 13 and another gene on chromosome 12. In most studies, the father was more often affected than the mother, which is consistent with the fact that nocturnal enuresis is more common in boys than girls. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) has an interesting site that identifies several genetic studies and provides an actual gene map showing the locus of the gene on chromosome 13.

Bedwetting Genetics


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